PY Media welcomed a new RIBS Support Officer this week. Craig Hodges joined PY Media on Monday 22nd October. On Tuesday Craig headed out with PY Media Manager Thomas Holder to visit the 5NPY Radio Stations at Fregon, Mimili and Indulkana. In Fregon Craig met with Sam Ken, then down the road in Mimili with Kevin Katjatji Tjami and later with Jeremy Henry Whiskey in Indulkana.
As a new staff member with PY Media Craig will be working closely with the 5NPY Radio Announcers in the coming weeks and months ahead. In the past Craig worked in East Arnhem Land with Lirrwi Yolngu Tourism as a Development & Mentoring Officer. He has experience working in both radio and television and looks forward to creating new content with the local communities.
Many years ago, when Craig was a primary school student at Victor Harbor, he joined one of the first exchange programs with the Fregon School with teacher Chris Tapscott.